Scout Mate
The Scout Mate badge scheme is designed to support recruitment of young people and adult volunteers.
Scout Mate
Aim: Bring a friend, earn a badge! Help Scouts grow by introducing a mate to your section of Squirrels, Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Explorers or Network and when they are invested you'll earn a badge!
The badge is awarded when: Your mate is invested
The badge is awarded to: That's you; the young person who brought their friend along
The badge is worn: Lower right forearm, towards cuff
- Introduce your friend to the other young people and your leaders
- Look after your friend and show them around your meeting place on their first night
- Show your friend what to do during the games and activities for the next few weeks
- Help prepare your friend for their investiture by telling them about the uniform and explaining, with help from your leader if needed, the promise and history of Scouting
- With your leader, play an active role in your friend's investiture
Resources: Scout Mate Flyer
Completed the award?: Request your badge
Scout Mate Gold
Aim: Go for Gold! Work together as a group to recruit at least one adult using 3 activities and you'll get a badge!
The badge is awarded when: A new adult agrees a role with their team leader at the first stage of the recruitment journey
The badge is awarded to: Everyone involved in the three activities and the recruitment
The badge is worn: Lower right forearm, towards cuff
- Use local or social media to tell people about Scouts
- Promote volunteering at your meeting place using a Volunteer Vacancy Board or something similar. Visit the Brand Centre for resources
- Hold an open evening for parents and locals to encourage them to help Scouts. You can contact your local Growth & Development Officer for help
- Make sure your actions mean at least one new adult becomes a leader or trustee
Resources: Scout Mate Gold Flyer
Completed the award?: Request your badge
Scout Mate: Good for Two Open Evening Badge
Aim: To help recruit parents of children in the group
We find one of the best ways to get parents and carers involved with Scouts is to invite them to join in some hands-on activities at an open evening. A Good for Two open evening is a tried and tested format which combines simple, fun activities with asking adults if they’d like to get more involved.
The badge is awarded to: young people who bring an adult to an open evening
The badge is worn: Lower right forearm, towards cuff
If you’d like to run a Good For Two open evening you have two choices
- If you’d like to us to run the evening for you contact the G&D team here. We’ll start by chatting to you on the phone about what you’d like to achieve, visit your meeting place and then run the event with you. We’ll bring the badges along ready to give out at the event.
- If you’d like to run an open evening yourself then join one of our Good For Two on-line webinars and we’ll go through in detail how to plan and run a successful event. We’ll cover timing, activities, how to give a parent talk and potential pitfalls. We’ll tell you at the webinar how to get your badges.
4 Week Challenge

The 4 Week Challenge is a great way to get people who express an interest at your open evening more involved. Find out how it works here.